Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Venous insufficiency- Prevention and treatment

Why does chronic venous insufficiency occur? What are the main factors that favor its appearance? Increased sedentary lifestyle in western society, high life expectancy, obesity, and prolonged orthostatic make venous diseases a high incidence today.


Venous diseases affect between 10 and 40% of the adult population, especially in the lower extremities, according to the latest studies. Chronic venous insufficiency affects 50% of the population that is over 50 years old. The venous system of the human body is outlined below.

Symptoms in venous insufficiency

The patient affected by venous insufficiency must assume that even by taking preventive measures, his condition is chronic and evolutionary. Therefore, the Venous Insufficiency Symptoms and manifestations that are detailed below will appear over time:

Stage 1

Increased relief and increased coloration in the veins. We observe cylindrical, saccular, and reticular varicose. The patient usually has no discomfort.

Stage 2

Orthostatic symptoms appear severe pain, heaviness or cramps in the legs, itching, and tingling, pain that worsens when standing, pain that improves when lifting the legs and swelling in them.

Stage 3

It is characterized by dermatological manifestations: blackish-brown pigmentation in the malleolus, alteration of the capillaries, itching, and atrophy in the skin.

Stage 4

The skin has been eroded, resulting in a varicose ulcer that usually drains pathological tissue. For its healing, a strong compressive bandage, drainage, and thorough cleaning of the wound are recommended, since it is vitally important that the ulcer is not infected.

Conservative and preventive treatment

Conservative and preventive Chronic Venous Insufficiency Treatment contemplates the following strategies:

Generic measures

They try to counteract the factors that aggravate venous insufficiency.

Physico-postural measures

To physico-postural measures, rest with elevation of the lower extremities is recommended; lymphatic drainage performed by a professional and hydrotherapy that combines showers with cold water and massages.

Compressive measures for venous insufficiency treatment

The lower extremities have a kind of mesh made up of closely grouped collagen fibers that compress the muscles and is called the rigid leg fascia. The fascia, together with the venous valves, guarantees a good return of blood to the heart.

In cases of venous insufficiency, this fascia is perforated, so that the blood is not compressed correctly, so that part of it accumulates under the skin, producing edema.

Elastic compression is basic in the conservative Venous Insufficiency Treatment Houston in all its stages. The key to its effectiveness is to increase the local interstitial pressure and decrease the diameter of the veins, favoring venous return and reducing reflux so that venous hypertension is decreased. Therefore, symptoms are improved, edema is reduced, and the evolution of venous insufficiency is delayed.

Instrumental pressotherapy

It is made using inflatable covers at different pressures according to the needs of the patient and pneumatic compression pumps.

Situations of immobility of the lower extremities or periods of prolonged standing should be avoided.


The pharmacological treatment will be carried out together with the previously mentioned preventive measures to treat Chronic Venous Insufficiency Causes. There are a wide variety of drugs applicable to chronic venous insufficiency, mainly classified as venotonics and other drugs indicated to combat certain complications associated with the disease.


Sclerotherapy involves the intravenous injection of an irritating substance to produce a controlled injury to the endothelium so that the vein is closed. This technique is associated with elastic compression.

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Thursday, 23 April 2020

Tips for choosing a vein specialist

Choosing a varicose vein specialist is a difficult process for many patients.

Varicose veins are all those elongated or tortuous superficial veins of the legs that, in many cases, a condition not only an aesthetic problem but a health problem. It is an extremely frequent pathology in the general population. Varicose veins frequently cause symptoms of heaviness, cramps, itching, and nonspecific discomfort that can lead to pain and edema (swelling). A very special group of patients with venous insufficiency are pregnant women, in whom the development and progression of varicose veins and their symptoms are accelerated.


The varices are a benign pathology and, as such, after an accurate assessment by Doppler ultrasound by the vein specialist near me, can be treated equally so benign.

We have several treatment possibilities, which must be combined by experts in the field to obtain the best results in the shortest time and with the least impact on the daily life of patients affected by this pathology.

As varicose vein treatments have evolved, new medical specialties have been developed to provide the latest techniques for patients.

There are three types of doctors who treat varicose veins and other vein problems:
  • Vascular surgeon.
  • Interventional radiologist.
They are all vein doctor near me in varicose veins with training in different areas that are related to each other.

Typically, anyone of the three is a varicose vein specialist capable of using minimally invasive procedures to treat varicose veins, such as endovenous laser treatment, sclerotherapy, and radiofrequency ablation. These are modern techniques that can be performed in the doctor's office rather than a hospital and require much less recovery time.

Vascular surgeon

The vascular surgeon uses varicose vein removal to treat the problem in your veins through surgery. However, his surgical knowledge and skill help him perform minimally invasive procedures with greater capacity.

The vascular doctor near me may also perform more invasive procedures that require general anesthesia and recovery in the hospital.

Interventional radiologist

An interventional radiologist is a doctor who practices another sub-specialty that helps varicose veins. These doctors invented angioplasty, and have developed similar techniques to treat varicose veins.


A phlebologist is a varicose vein specialist who has obtained special training in vein diseases and treatments. Most phlebologists focus on leg veins and related diseases.

Which varicose vein specialist is superlative?

The phlebologist is a specialist in varicose veins who normally concentrates on their superficial problems. Most of the time, they are only trained to perform procedures such as sclerotherapy, which serves to eliminate only cosmetic problems of varicose veins. Still, they do not eliminate the root of the problem.

For their part, interventional radiologists are trained to diagnose the severity of a varicose vein problem. This serves to choose the most appropriate treatment for each of the cases. Some of the interventional radiologists can perform minimally invasive procedures to treat both root and surface problems.

The doctor near me who can offer you comprehensive treatment for varicose vein problems is the vascular surgeon, who is trained to perform most procedures and can be supported by a radiologist to evaluate each specific case.

Ideally, you should go to a specialist in a vein clinic near me that can offer you comprehensive treatment through various specialists.

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Wednesday, 15 April 2020

What are leg cramps and their treatments

A muscle cramp is a sudden, intense, involuntary, and transient contraction of part or all of a muscle. Its duration is variable, generally brief. When the cramp occurs, it is usually visible and palpable and generally ceases when the muscle is stretched.


Causes and risk factors of cramps

The cramps can occur unexpectedly or be triggered by a muscular contraction during an effort involving a muscular shortening. The causes of swollen legs are generally a mild phenomenon, occurring at rest (especially at night, frequently affecting the leg muscles) or during exertion.

Many factors are known to favor the occurrence of muscle cramps:
  • An unusual, intense and prolonged effort ;
  • A poor diet ;
  • The pregnancy, the pill ;
  • The states of dehydration (heat stroke, sweating profuse vomiting, diarrhea);
  • The dialysis of chronic renal failure  (loss of water and mineral salts);
  • The abuse of stimulants ( coffee, tea), drug addiction ;  
  • The cold.
  • Finally, when the cramps are frequent, disabling, of unusual localization or prolonged duration, they can be a symptom of an underlying disease :
  • The neurological diseases affecting peripheral nerves: legs feel heavy, tetany, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, polio, Parkinson's disease, nerve damage after taking of certain drugs, alcohol or exposure to certain toxic;
  • Certain hormonal disorders such as myxedema, Addison's disease, diabetes ;
  • Certain blood disorders such as abnormalities of potassium, magnesium, calcium, or phosphorus. These metabolic disorders can occur in isolation or most often are indicative of an underlying disease
  • Certain cardiovascular diseases: heart disease, varicose veins of the lower limbs, arthritis, Raynaud's disease ;
  • The infectious causes: viral infections (flu), tetanus
  • The orthopedic causes: under plaster cramps, cramps occurring during rehabilitation, muscle tears, fractures, dislocations, rheumatism  ;
  • Liver cirrhosis.
  • leg swelling causes
  • Consultation in case of repeated cramps
It is especially useful to find elements in favor of an underlying disease responsible for muscle cramps.

Cramps: additional exams and analyzes

In the majority of cases, they are useless. On the other hand, biological or radiological explorations can be useful if the doctor suspects the existence of an underlying disease responsible for muscle cramps.

leg cramps treatment near me

In most cases, no leg cramps treatment is justified: when the cramp occurs, the patient should be advised to stop his activity and stretch the painful muscle (for example, in case of a calf cramp, recommend to gradually pull the toes and foot toward you). It is possible to apply heat and gently massage the muscle.

Sometimes magnesium supplementation may provide leg cramp relief, with the advice of the doctor or pharmacist.

When the cramps become disabling, certain drugs can be effective ( muscle relaxants ).

Finally, when a cause is found, the treatment is that of the cause.

Prevent cramps

To avoid cramps, especially in athletes, it is essential to have good hydration before, during, and after exercise as well as a balanced diet. This is what helps leg cramps to occur frequently.

Likewise, warming up before the workout and active stretching after exercise is essential. It is also recommended to respect recovery times;

In general, reduce your consumption of stimulants and do not smoke.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Treatment For Spider Veins On Legs

The rosacea is the appearance of 'veins' (or A spider veins) under the skin when a large number of small blood vessels swollen gather near the surface.


This phenomenon, in the first place, is of genetic origin. Then, it can happen to those who work for a long time in an upright position, to those suffering from obesity or hormonal imbalance (including pregnant or post-menopausal women). Also, couperose may relate to those who come from an injury, those who have undergone surgery to remove a vein, or those who have been seriously exposed to UV rays. You can surf online as Spider Vein Removal Near Me, to find the best doctors.

How to treat couperose?

The disease is followed by alteration of the color of the skin, swelling, and, even if it does not cause any discomfort or pain, it must be treated so that it does not lead to more serious pathologies. A phlebologist will prescribe the necessary analyses and appropriate Treatment For Spider Veins On Legs. If it is necessary to treat spider web veins on the face, the following tips can be followed:
  • wash your face very gently;
  • apply sunscreen with an appropriate SPF (sun protection factor) and protect the face from direct sunlight;
  • do not overdo it with alcohol.
Spider-vein removal methods

Corrector: If spider web veins are barely visible, a good quality cosmetic product should suffice;

Sclerotherapy: A special solution is injected into the vein thus repairing the walls of the capillaries;

Retinoids and creams containing vitamin A;

Intense pulsed light: laser procedure that reaches deep into the epidermis without damaging the layer.

Electrocautery and radiofrequency occlusion: A needle is inserted into the vein, and impulses are sent to stimulate the dissolution of the blood.

How to treat varicose veins on the ankles - Spider Vein Removal Houston

The malfunctioning natural remedies for leg cramps and blood vessels prevents the blood from circulating adequately to the heart, which poses an important health risk, what to do if the lower legs hurt well beyond the simple blemish. Cream to remove spider veins on the face - Vit in an oyocemumu face cream.

How to remove the cones, if the hemorrhoids are not corrected? The treatment of varicose veins has been known since ancient Rus.

How to quickly remove varicose veins and stars at home

Here are some tips on how to remove and prevent veins. You should also use natural remedies for leg cramps immediately to the doctor if the leg swells quickly.

In addition to being unaesthetic, varicose veins can be painful and create stiffness and swelling. The final price of varicose veins - lasers depends on many factors and will appear. The laser treatment is the Best Treatment For Spider Vein.

To prevent capillaries, however, many things can be done, among these which drugs can cause swollen feet and ankles. We remember three: Can which is the best cream for varicose veins used ultrasound to keep track of how serious how to cure what are do if the lower legs hurt varicose veins on the legs caused by the malfunctioning valves venous insufficiency.

How to remove Spider Veins During Pregnancy. Aloe can cure varicose veins of the stars. Varicose veins: how to cure them with ten natural remedies legs and thighs How to combat varicose veins near the surface of the skin and which usually appear on the legs and ankles.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Symptomatic treatments for varicose veins

In the case of venous insufficiency, some treatments at Varicose Vein Treatment Center make it possible to relieve the pains and sensations of heavy legs, often associated with varicose veins.

Male and female legs during a date

Two types of Varicose Vein Treatment Near Me are possible:

The elastic support by low or bands: it is indicated at the onset of the first symptoms of varicose veins.

But it is a symptomatic treatment, which has no action on already installed varicose veins. Restraint reduces the dilation of the veins and increases the speed of venous blood flow. It decreases the volume of the limb with an anti-edema effect. Varicose Veins Treatment Near Me improves the efficiency of the calf muscle pump when walking.

Venotonic drugs:  they relieve symptoms, but they do not affect the development of varicose veins. Note: they cannot replace lifestyle advice, or restraint, which is the benchmark symptomatic Treatment For Varicose Veins In Legs.

Different interventions can, however,  make varicose veins disappear, such as Varicose Vein Removal Near Me. They can be considered:

To  relieve symptoms that have become too painful

To prevent complications from venous insufficiency (venous ulcers, skin lesions or, more rarely, phlebitis and embolism)

For aesthetic reasons.

A Varicose Vein Treatment Centers assessment will be made before any intervention, including a Doppler ultrasound. This completely painless examination makes it possible to specify the state of the valves and the mechanism responsible for reflux.

Surgery for the most important varicose veins

Surgery is the Varicose Vein Treatment Texas of choice for the largest varicose veins. Several techniques exist. One of the most classic is stripping, which consists of removing the main vein from the lower limbs (the saphenous vein) by making two small incisions at the ankle and the crease of the groin.

The intervention is completed by the removal of all the small varicose veins that may have developed from the saphenous vein. After the varicose vein removal side effects, the blood returns through the deep veins. The only absolute contraindication to

Sclerotherapy in other cases

Sclerotherapy has the advantage of being a much lighter method, carried out in the office, and requires no anesthesia. It consists in injecting into the varicose vein, with a fine needle, a substance which will induce retraction and hardening of the diseased vein, which will become blocked.  

Treatments for small varicose veins

As for  varicose veins that affect secondary veins, they can then be removed:
  • either by sclerotherapy
  • either surgically, by phlebectomy.
It is a small surgery, performed under simple local anesthesia. Some practice it in the office, even if experts consider it preferable to intervene in the operating room, for reasons of asepsis, from small portions of Varicose Vein Removal Houston with a hook through tiny incisions.

Clip and Chiva

Other Varicose Vein Doctors Near Me use techniques exist, such as the installation of a metal clip on the saphenous vein (V-clip). But this clip is not enough to suppress reflux and must always be supplemented by sclerotherapy and phlebectomy.

Finally, a conservative Treatment for Varicose Veins Houston aimed at suppressing reflux without removing varicose veins is also possible. It is the hemodynamic cure for venous insufficiency, also called Chiva. It keeps the vein by diverting the diseased superficial veins towards the deeper veins.