Friday, 24 May 2019

Can varicose veins be cured with natural treatment?

The Varicose veins are also embarrassing for several because to aesthetically unattractive appearance for such condition. Such kind of suffering from vein disorder should also feel self-conscious from bluish and purplish bulging of the veins which are also present, and should also feel to be highly discomfort, pain as well as heaviness in legs being result of condition also. If you are suffering from spider or varicose veins, so you should quickly look for Best Treatment For Spider Vein. Varicose veins also kind as valves in veins which are also supposed to maintain blood through flowing backwards & it is also ineffective and it permits blood to always pool in vein. The natural treatments for varicose veins are different minimally-invasive as well as options of non-invasive that also have helped the patients to find the relief from vein problem, however several also have even found great success through the natural approaches for treating venous disease. Few cases, the insurance companies also may not always cover cost of the treatment done at Vein Clinic Near Me and also procedures of Best Vein Removal Treatment Near Me unless the conservative approaches & also the treatment are also attempted. In case these are quite unsuccessful, they can also cover cost of the procedures in complete part.


The natural treatment of Spider Vein Removal Near Me can be the change in the diet. Enhancing the fiber intake should be also helpful, as the constipation will also lead to the excessive pressure on pelvic area as well as valves in major veins.

Do stockings help eliminate Varicose veins?

A very common condition is varicose veins which affects approx 15% of men and 25% of women. Spider veins and varicose veins can be very unpleasant, but are not simply just a concern of cosmetic. In case left untouched, this situation can cause discomfort and pain. If you want to avoid this situation then the solutions can be support stockings or surgery. So Do stockings help eliminate Varicose veins? Let's find out some of the reasons of Spider Vein Removal Houston problem and some suitable solutions.

Pregnancy, standing for long time periods, and gain some weight can be some positive reasons of this problem. Normally, the condition just affects the area of feet and legs. It is supposed that poor circulation of the blood can cause of varicose veins. If you are standing for long without shifting that does not permit the flow of blood. At the time you sift and let your muscles to move, blood is hit back to your heart. On the other hand, excess weight gain is also cause of this problem because extra force on your veins which can be a good reason of swelling. It is very normal condition for those women who are pregnant. Hence, you it is better to look for the natural treatment but undoubtedly you should also look for the doctor or the specialist dealing with spider or varicose vein.

Goodbye to spider veins, without operation

One of the aesthetic treatments most demanded by women is to eliminate vascular lesions, a problem that already has a solution combining sclerosis by injection and laser, but always after performing an ultrasound to rule out a more serious venous pathology.

One has just tried treatment for telangiectasia or spider veins. He does it for an aesthetic question since these small blue and purple veins in his legs have created a true complex.

With each pregnancy, and there have been three, we have noticed more. It is very unsightly to put on a short skirt with these purple veins. In addition, men do care; her husband has made some comment about it.

Top Vein Doctors Near Me, a specialist in Vascular Surgery explains that so -called spiders or spiders are superficial vascular lesions affecting mostly women between 25 and 65 years old.
50% of women have these bluish or reddish veins in their legs, more persistent in those with jobs in which they are sitting for a long time or standing, or in those who have had more than one birth, although the hereditary component also causes its appearance, says Vein Specialist Near Me.


The treatment for these vascular lesions is based on two pillars: on the one hand, in the thicker bluish veins, a sclerosing substance, a liquid or gas in the form of foam that is introduced into these veins to close them is applied by injection, a procedure that it does not affect the rest of the venous capital of the leg. It is what is called sclerotherapy. On the other hand, redder and less important lesions are treated with a specific laser.

Result after applying sclerosis by injection.

According to the Best Spider Vein Doctor Near Me, a treatment of this type should not be performed without having previously ruled out a more serious pathology, such as venous insufficiency or an old or current venous thrombosis. To do this, vascular surgeons have a fundamental tool: the Eco Doppler, an ultrasound that allows us to see the veins that we do not see.
With Eco Doppler can be ruled out very reasonably that there is a deep problem that is giving rise to these superficial injuries, says Spider Vein Treatment Houston.

What are the side effects?

For the doctor, the spiders are so small that their treatment does not involve a risk. The venous circulation is like a tree, the trunk is the deep venous system with two important branches that are the saphenous axes, and from these come other smaller branches that are superficial veins with some leaves. In a healthy tree the yellow leaves would be the spiders that if they are taken out of the tree, they are still healthy, "he adds.

The side effects that derive from its elimination are those of any laser treatment, such as skin burns, although they are unlikely, according to the doctor, since it acts on the photochromic of the blood and not on the pigment melanin.

With respect to the treatment of sclerotherapy, hematomas or brown spots may appear relatively frequently in the puncture site, although in two or three weeks they disappear.

How To Remove Spider Veins

It's a miraculous thing the vein has disappeared in the moment. From now on, miniskirt, says this patient in the office of Dr.

The treatment with sclerosis has immediate results, while the laser requires that two or three scans are made on the same lesion until its total elimination. The probability of them coming out again in the same place is minimal.

With these new procedures, in a few seconds results are obtained and the patient can go home and lead a normal life, although the specialist recommends the use of a compression elastic stocking for a time after treatment.

Exercises to prevent varicose veins

Having a sedentary lifestyle is one of the reasons people develop varicose veins. Inactivity will slow down your circulation and lead to blood pooling, you can also visit thebest Vein Treatment Houston. Having some activity to your life will help prevent the varicose veins from forming.  Prevention is always better than cure and that is exactly what you need to do in varicose veins. Here are some exercises that will help you to prevent varicose veins.


The Houston Vein Clinic will advise you to walk often. Walking is one of the exercises that you can do to prevent varicose veins. When you walk, the calf muscles relax and contract thus pushing blood from the legs. If you work in an office, you should try to walk around more often. You can visit your coworker, have a 10 minute walk during your break and take the stairs when you can. If you are traveling by plane you can try and get up every hour. In case you work as a driver, try to stop regularly and stretch your legs.

Calf flexor

These are exercises that you do while sitting down. The calf flexor is suitable for office workers and those who spend most of their times on planes. Begin with your feet flat on the floor and lift your toes to stretch the calf muscles. Lower toes your on the floor and raise your heels. Repeat the motion for a few minutes. You can also stretch your legs out on front of you can alternate your toes pointing up and pointing forward.



You can try adding running to your schedule, try running in morning and evening. Running will help with circulation and pump blood from the legs. Running is also good for your heart and having a strong heart will help with overall circulation. You can run for about 20 minutes to improve fitness.


If you do not like running, then the vein Treatment Clinic Near Me will advise you to do yoga. Yoga will help stretch your muscles which are good for your legs especially if you were sitting the whole day. Some yoga moves one vinyasa will help your blood move between poses and boost overall circulation. Slower yoga moves can also be beneficial because some moves require you to lift your leg above your heart. Such poses will help with blood flow from the leg to the heart.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers can be an excellent and exercise choice to get blood moving. Begin with a plank position and pull knee to your chest and return it. Repeat the procedure with the other leg.

These are some of the exercises you can do to prevent varicose veins before going to the vein Treatment Near Me. Most of them are simple and you can do the at home. You do not have to go the gym. You just have to spare a few minutes to do these exercises. If you already have varicose veins, then you should see a vein Specialist Houston to have them treated.

All You Need to Know About Sclerotherapy

There are many treatment methods you can use for treating varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is just one of them. If your vein Specialist Houston has advised that you need to go for the sclerotherapy treatment, then you need to know about the treatment.

What is sclerotherapy?

It is a treatment where the doctor injects a chemical fluid into the blood vessels. The injection causes the vessels to shrink. It is a procedure for treating varicose veins and spider veins. It is a non surgical procedure and only needs an injection. The procedure can also be used in treating lymph vessel disorders. The fluid is injected directly into the vein and it will cause the vessel to swell and cause the flow of blood to cut off. Thus, the vessel will shrink.


One of the uses of sclerotherapy is in treating varicose veins. It will reduce the appearance of the varicose veins. Varicose veins usually occur in the legs and are purple in color. Varicose veins are painful and can cause skin issues or even rashes. Sclerotherapy works by shrinking the veins will reduce the vein damage. It will also make the veins less painful and less visible. Apart from treating varicose veins, it is also used to treat malformed lymph vessels, hemorrhoids which makes bowel movement uncomfortable and hydroceles which is common in testicles.


When is it appropriate to use the treatment method?

It is not everyone who has spider veins can be treated using the sclerotherapy. It is necessary that you discuss your symptoms with the doctor at the Houston Vein Clinic so that he can advise you on the way forward. If you have spider veins, you should consider the therapy when the veins are painful, your legs are sore, the skin on your legs is patchy, and when the area near the veins has a rash.

What to expect from sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy can be performed in the doctor office at the vein Treatment Near Me and will not require you to stay in the hospital. You need to consult with your doctor to assess the problematic vein. The procedure does not require anaesthesia. You have to follow the doctors instructions before you go into surgery. It is advisable to avoid lotions or any oils before having the treatment done at the vein Treatment Clinic Near Me.

During the sclerotherapy treatment, you have to lie on your back with your legs up. The doctor will clean the area before inserting a small needle in the vein. It may pinch just a little. The doctor will proceed with injecting the vein with a liquid solution. You may feel some tingling or nothing at all. The doctor massages the area once the procedure is compete. You may have to wear compression stockings. Your will have to do follow ups until the vein heals completely.

These are what you will encounter when you go for the sclerotherapy treatment method. The procedure does not take long and you may go back to work in a few days. If you have any questions about the procedure, you need to ask your vein specialist at the best Vein Treatment Houston before the procedure is done.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Exercises to prevent varicose veins

Having a sedentary lifestyle is one of the reasons people develop varicose veins. Inactivity will slow down your circulation and lead to blood pooling, you can also visit the best Vein Treatment Houston. Having some activity to your life will help prevent the varicose veins from forming.  Prevention is always better than cure and that is exactly what you need to do in varicose veins. Here are some exercises that will help you to prevent varicose veins.


The Houston Vein Clinic will advise you to walk often. Walking is one of the exercises that you can do to prevent varicose veins. When you walk, the calf muscles relax and contract thus pushing blood from the legs. If you work in an office, you should try to walk around more often. You can visit your coworker, have a 10 minute walk during your break and take the stairs when you can. If you are traveling by plane you can try and get up every hour. In case you work as a driver, try to stop regularly and stretch your legs.

Calf flexor

These are exercises that you do while sitting down. The calf flexor is suitable for office workers and those who spend most of their times on planes. Begin with your feet flat on the floor and lift your toes to stretch the calf muscles. Lower toes your on the floor and raise your heels. Repeat the motion for a few minutes. You can also stretch your legs out on front of you can alternate your toes pointing up and pointing forward.


You can try adding running to your schedule, try running in morning and evening. Running will help with circulation and pump blood from the legs. Running is also good for your heart and having a strong heart will help with overall circulation. You can run for about 20 minutes to improve fitness.


If you do not like running, then the vein Treatment Clinic Near Me will advise you to do yoga. Yoga will help stretch your muscles which are good for your legs especially if you were sitting the whole day. Some yoga moves one vinyasa will help your blood move between poses and boost overall circulation. Slower yoga moves can also be beneficial because some moves require you to lift your leg above your heart. Such poses will help with blood flow from the leg to the heart.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers can be an excellent and exercise choice to get blood moving. Begin with a plank position and pull knee to your chest and return it. Repeat the procedure with the other leg.

These are some of the exercises you can do to prevent varicose veins before going to the vein Treatment Near Me. Most of them are simple and you can do the at home. You do not have to go the gym. You just have to spare a few minutes to do these exercises. If you already have varicose veins, then you should see a vein Specialist Houston to have them treated.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Endovenous laser therapy (evlt)

EVLT or ELT - Endovenous laser therapy is identical to endovenous laser ablation (EVLA). It is one of the many procedures we use at the San Francisco vein center to treat varicose veins. This is a minimally invasive procedure that we perform in the office. It does not require general anesthesia and allows the patient to leave the office after the procedure and resume normal activities soon after. It is safe, effective, and lasts approximately one hour. The EVLT or the EVLA For Venous Insufficiency is a vast improvement over the traditional past method of removing varicose veins called the stripping of the vein.


Candidates and preparation

Because endovenous laser therapy is minimally invasive, there is little to prepare for the procedure. It is necessary for the surgeon to perform a venous ultrasound to determine if the patient has venous insufficiency. This is the main cause of varicose veins. The surgeon then uses ultrasound to trace the vein or veins that will be treated with laser. General anesthesia is not necessary for laser ablation, although patients can sometimes take something to relax.

EVLT EVlA Process

Endovenous laser ablation is similar to radiofrequency ablation in that the ultimate goal is to close the diseased superficial vein. The Best Solution For Varicose Veins surgeon places a special laser catheter in the greater saphenous vein or in the smaller saphenous vein through a very small entry point. Using ultrasound to guide the catheter, the laser emits a concentrated beam of light energy while the surgeon pulls the catheter back through the vein. The laser applies enough energy to the walls of the vein to make it seal and close. This process causes blood flow to be redirected to healthy veins that work. The body finally absorbs the sealed vein and disappears.


There are very few restrictions with recovery after the procedure. One of the few is to stay away from a highly strenuous or high-impact exercise for a few days. There are some other key factors to follow for optimal recovery after laser ablation.

We encourage patients to exercise and walk immediately after treatment. Walking frequently and daily is important and helps recovery.

It is also important to wear compression stockings. The patient should use them for about two weeks. They are not necessary while they sleep.

Avoid sitting for long periods of time.

Risks and success rates

Laser vein ablation is a very low risk procedure. Patients may experience some bruising and discomfort for a few days to weeks. Sometimes patients experience redness or irritation around the treatment site. Deep vein thrombosis is one of the main risks you should take into account. There is a 1% risk. This condition occurs when a blood clot forms in the vein. Although it is rare, it can become serious if it travels and travels to the lungs. When this happens, it needs to be treated immediately with blood thinners. Following the recovery regimen of wearing compression stockings and walking frequently helps reduce these risks.

The initial success rate for laser ablation is approximately 99%. However, over time there is a 5% to 10% chance of recurrence. Because it is minimally invasive and low risk, patients who experience recurrence may choose to perform the procedure again.